FIshy Business!

Marine Livestock and Consulting

After many pokes, and prods from friends and family we are proud to announce Marine Live Stock ordering and consulting.

With an extensive background in marine aquaculture, and husbandry we are here to help you on your journey of setting up, maintaining and having success with your Marine Aquarium.

We have numerous contacts within the aquarium industry and our divers can source just about anything to tickle your saltwater fancy. Our animals are collected sustainably following strict CITES permits, and import/export laws.

If you have questions, concerns or need treatment guidelines for your aquatic friends we are more than happy to help!

We also produce and sell our own reverse osmosis and saltwater in clinic, so if your running low on RO or pre-mixxed saltwater drop on by!

RO- 60 cents per gallon

Saltwater- $2.00 per gallon. We mix our saltwater with only the finest available salt on the market; Tropic Marin Sea Salts.